This video essentially bring what Cage did, in short minutes.
Monday, March 31, 2008
備忘録: なぜ日本のコンテンポラリーダンスはchildishであるのか
先週の音楽の歴史の授業の中で、先生が、なぜPost-modern music(おそらく名称としてのPost modernであり、Post modernismとしての音楽とは異なると考えるべきだろう)としてスティーヴ・ライヒなどが出てきたかを簡単に説明してくれた。つまり20世紀初頭にある現代音楽-modern musicが難解すぎてpublicにとってしごくboringであったということ、言い換えれば現代音楽はpublicに向かい合っていなかったということなのだ。
Ultima Vezがベルギーの多くの若者にとってあこがれの存在であるという話を聞いたが、日本の状況がそこからいかに遠いかである。(Ultima VezのDVD Boxが発売されたら皆が買いに走ったそうな)
Ultima Vezがベルギーの多くの若者にとってあこがれの存在であるという話を聞いたが、日本の状況がそこからいかに遠いかである。(Ultima VezのDVD Boxが発売されたら皆が買いに走ったそうな)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
IHT: Nationalism at core of China's reaction to Tibet unrest
IHT: Nationalism at core of China's reaction to Tibet unrest
Communist Party leaders had hoped to use this Olympic moment to showcase how China has become a modern and nonthreatening emerging world power. President Hu Jintao has advocated a "harmonious society" as a catchphrase to signal a new government emphasis on addressing inequality in society. At the same time, China's soft power abroad is rising with its bulging foreign exchange reserves, its aid programs to poor countries and its increasingly active diplomatic role on issues like the North Korea nuclear crisis.
But the Tibet crisis has revealed a leadership that has seemingly stepped back into its harsher past. Buddhist monks in Tibet are now being subjected to punitive "patriotic education" campaigns. Paramilitary police officers and soldiers have swept across huge areas of western China in a crackdown that is under way, if unseen. Party leaders, including Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, have vilified the Dalai Lama and blamed a "Dalai clique" for orchestrating the protests to sabotage China's Olympic moment.
Scholars often describe nationalism as the state religion in China now that the Communist Party has shrugged off socialist ideology and made economic development the country's priority. Dibyesh Anand, a Tibet specialist, said modern Chinese nationalism can be traced to Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese revolutionary who described the country's main ethnic groups - the Han, Manchu, Hui, Mongolian and Tibetan peoples - as the "five fingers" of China.
Today, Han Chinese constitute more than 92 percent of the population, but without one of those five fingers, China's leaders do not consider the country whole.
"The Communist Party has used nationalism as an ideology to keep China together," said Anand, a reader in international relations at Westminster University in London. He said many Chinese regard the Tibetan protests "as an attack on their core identity."
Communist Party leaders had hoped to use this Olympic moment to showcase how China has become a modern and nonthreatening emerging world power. President Hu Jintao has advocated a "harmonious society" as a catchphrase to signal a new government emphasis on addressing inequality in society. At the same time, China's soft power abroad is rising with its bulging foreign exchange reserves, its aid programs to poor countries and its increasingly active diplomatic role on issues like the North Korea nuclear crisis.
But the Tibet crisis has revealed a leadership that has seemingly stepped back into its harsher past. Buddhist monks in Tibet are now being subjected to punitive "patriotic education" campaigns. Paramilitary police officers and soldiers have swept across huge areas of western China in a crackdown that is under way, if unseen. Party leaders, including Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, have vilified the Dalai Lama and blamed a "Dalai clique" for orchestrating the protests to sabotage China's Olympic moment.
Scholars often describe nationalism as the state religion in China now that the Communist Party has shrugged off socialist ideology and made economic development the country's priority. Dibyesh Anand, a Tibet specialist, said modern Chinese nationalism can be traced to Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese revolutionary who described the country's main ethnic groups - the Han, Manchu, Hui, Mongolian and Tibetan peoples - as the "five fingers" of China.
Today, Han Chinese constitute more than 92 percent of the population, but without one of those five fingers, China's leaders do not consider the country whole.
"The Communist Party has used nationalism as an ideology to keep China together," said Anand, a reader in international relations at Westminster University in London. He said many Chinese regard the Tibetan protests "as an attack on their core identity."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
朝日: 姜尚中・東大教授ら、ネグリ氏来日中止で政府に抗議声明
朝日: 姜尚中・東大教授ら、ネグリ氏来日中止で政府に抗議声明
僕は基本的に普通の人の3倍の時間をかけて同じことをようやく覚える。でも、だったら逆に3倍やれば同じことができるだろうと、いつもポジティヴにレッスンをうけてきた。(バレエは特にJanette Panettaとの出会いが僕にとっては大きいのだろうけど)
昼からはHisotry of Music、先生には申し訳ないが、速攻で寝そうになる。途中コッソリ抜け出してカフェでコーヒーを急速に流し込んでなんとか切り抜ける。いい先生なのだけど、あまり抑揚のないクラシックをずっと聞いていると自然とまぶたが重くなる。lol
授業の終わりに質問をしようとしたら、皆が一斉にこっちをむいた。もう終わるところなので面倒くさい質問をするなという空気がすぐに伝わってきた:P 先生は僕の質問をずいぶん迂回して答えたので、一瞬「ええ分かっていますけど…」とついつい言いかけるが、こらえる。これは僕のよくない癖だと最近気づいた。「先生」として「教育者」として気遣ってくれているからこそ、しばしば冗長な返事がかえってくる、でもそれはその人の優しさであるのだから、一瞬イラッとしてもまずそのストラクチャーを受け取らなくちゃいけない…大人にならないといけないよなぁ:D
僕は基本的に普通の人の3倍の時間をかけて同じことをようやく覚える。でも、だったら逆に3倍やれば同じことができるだろうと、いつもポジティヴにレッスンをうけてきた。(バレエは特にJanette Panettaとの出会いが僕にとっては大きいのだろうけど)
昼からはHisotry of Music、先生には申し訳ないが、速攻で寝そうになる。途中コッソリ抜け出してカフェでコーヒーを急速に流し込んでなんとか切り抜ける。いい先生なのだけど、あまり抑揚のないクラシックをずっと聞いていると自然とまぶたが重くなる。lol
授業の終わりに質問をしようとしたら、皆が一斉にこっちをむいた。もう終わるところなので面倒くさい質問をするなという空気がすぐに伝わってきた:P 先生は僕の質問をずいぶん迂回して答えたので、一瞬「ええ分かっていますけど…」とついつい言いかけるが、こらえる。これは僕のよくない癖だと最近気づいた。「先生」として「教育者」として気遣ってくれているからこそ、しばしば冗長な返事がかえってくる、でもそれはその人の優しさであるのだから、一瞬イラッとしてもまずそのストラクチャーを受け取らなくちゃいけない…大人にならないといけないよなぁ:D
South Park!! South Park!! South Park!!

Hey Common!! All the episode of South Park is now on the internet!!!
Lovely!! Horay!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wired: Chinese Authorities Place 'Wanted' Posters For Tibetan Rioters On Web Portals
Wired: Chinese Authorities Place 'Wanted' Posters For Tibetan Rioters On Web Portals
Meanwhile, Tibetans in Los Angeles held a rally. Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing covered the event and interviewed some of the participants.
The news wires also report that the current riots may have some expensive consequences. The Chinese authorities are re-thinking the idea of allowing the American news networks to broadcast live from Tiananmen Square during the Olympic games this August. The networks apparently paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege.
In other news, the Dalai Lama, it seems, also shares a pet peeve with reporters that all other leaders do. The Dalai Lama issued a terse press release today that said: " ... He also reminded the Media not to quote him out of context."
Meanwhile, Tibetans in Los Angeles held a rally. Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing covered the event and interviewed some of the participants.
The news wires also report that the current riots may have some expensive consequences. The Chinese authorities are re-thinking the idea of allowing the American news networks to broadcast live from Tiananmen Square during the Olympic games this August. The networks apparently paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege.
In other news, the Dalai Lama, it seems, also shares a pet peeve with reporters that all other leaders do. The Dalai Lama issued a terse press release today that said: " ... He also reminded the Media not to quote him out of context."
Wired Vision: チベット問題をめぐるネット上の情報戦
Wired Vision: チベット問題をめぐるネット上の情報戦
フランスのテレビ局の関連サイトによると、『MSN China』や『Yahoo! China』も、短期間ではあるが、手配写真を掲載したという。これについては、この記事を投稿した時点では確認できていない。
21日(米国時間)午後に米国東海岸にあるコンピューターから、MSN ChinaとYahoo! Chinaで検索を実行したが、チベット暴動に関するニュースは何も出なかった。
フランスのテレビ局の関連サイトによると、『MSN China』や『Yahoo! China』も、短期間ではあるが、手配写真を掲載したという。これについては、この記事を投稿した時点では確認できていない。
21日(米国時間)午後に米国東海岸にあるコンピューターから、MSN ChinaとYahoo! Chinaで検索を実行したが、チベット暴動に関するニュースは何も出なかった。
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
毎日: チベット暴動:日本で暮らす60人 故郷の報道に胸痛め
毎日: チベット暴動:日本で暮らす60人 故郷の報道に胸痛め
人民網日本語版 温総理:ダライとの対話の条件はチベット独立の放棄
人民網日本語版 温総理:ダライとの対話の条件はチベット独立の放棄
IHT: Tibetan exiles in India join in protests
IHT: Tibetan exiles in India join in protests
"All the streets are smoke and tears," said Choedak, 18, a student who spoke to his mother in Lhasa by telephone Saturday night. " 'We cannot open our eyes,' " he said she told him. " 'Every street is like empty.' "
"All the streets are smoke and tears," said Choedak, 18, a student who spoke to his mother in Lhasa by telephone Saturday night. " 'We cannot open our eyes,' " he said she told him. " 'Every street is like empty.' "
Monday, March 10, 2008
Julyen Hamilton's classes ended last week
Last week, finally we finished 2 weeks Julyen Hamilton's classes. It was quite nice opportunity to know the person in those generation, and way of very sensitive/open physical improvisation style. In addition, in the class, I got the way to focus my "center/joint" as the core of movements. I started to use off-balanced movements more comfortably.
Although, to be honest, these 2 weeks had been totally making me frustrated. Because, Julyen did not give us our space. He just pushed his idea always. It was very clear that, if we said opposite idea from him in the discussion, he must deny or ignore that. Of course I can understand that is because of his experience and this kind of attitude often appears when we get old. But anyway (even I understand logically) I could not feel well, and not easy to stand to stay in the class sometime...
=Profile: Julyen Hamilton=
Julyen Hamilton has been making dances, directing and teaching for the past 30 years.
He was born in England, then lived in Amsterdam and now is based in Girona, Spain.
In 1984 he was awarded the 'Zilveren Dansprijs' by the VSCD in Holland.
Trained in a period of experimentation in London in the mid-70s , he has constantly made work from a radical point of view.
His work, both in company and solo, develops dance for the theatre
where dancers and light designer are directed to compose pieces instantly,
a process of practising improvisation in rehearsal and in the moment of performance.
Hamilton creates his own personal language where movement and text constantly intertwine
and are passed amongst the performers as a way of manifesting the sharing of the imagination.
He is also invited to play with musicians, to choreograph for other dancers and to collaborate with other directors.
Since 1990 he has made more than 100 solos which have been seen all over the world. They are a highly original interplay between dance, live text and light. His latest solo Cell premiered in Barcelona on 2004.
His teaching work comes straight from the stage experience; it goes deeply into the compositional aspects of creativity through the areas of the physical body, space, time, dramaturgy and voice.
His label Blue Dog DVDs produces videos of his performances on dvd.
Although, to be honest, these 2 weeks had been totally making me frustrated. Because, Julyen did not give us our space. He just pushed his idea always. It was very clear that, if we said opposite idea from him in the discussion, he must deny or ignore that. Of course I can understand that is because of his experience and this kind of attitude often appears when we get old. But anyway (even I understand logically) I could not feel well, and not easy to stand to stay in the class sometime...
=Profile: Julyen Hamilton=
Julyen Hamilton has been making dances, directing and teaching for the past 30 years.
He was born in England, then lived in Amsterdam and now is based in Girona, Spain.
In 1984 he was awarded the 'Zilveren Dansprijs' by the VSCD in Holland.
Trained in a period of experimentation in London in the mid-70s , he has constantly made work from a radical point of view.
His work, both in company and solo, develops dance for the theatre
where dancers and light designer are directed to compose pieces instantly,
a process of practising improvisation in rehearsal and in the moment of performance.
Hamilton creates his own personal language where movement and text constantly intertwine
and are passed amongst the performers as a way of manifesting the sharing of the imagination.
He is also invited to play with musicians, to choreograph for other dancers and to collaborate with other directors.
Since 1990 he has made more than 100 solos which have been seen all over the world. They are a highly original interplay between dance, live text and light. His latest solo Cell premiered in Barcelona on 2004.
His teaching work comes straight from the stage experience; it goes deeply into the compositional aspects of creativity through the areas of the physical body, space, time, dramaturgy and voice.
His label Blue Dog DVDs produces videos of his performances on dvd.

Monday, March 03, 2008

でも、ここを走る28番線トラムの終着地、Martin Moniz(中心街の中では特に治安が悪い)は中国人・アフリカ人街である。


でも、ここを走る28番線トラムの終着地、Martin Moniz(中心街の中では特に治安が悪い)は中国人・アフリカ人街である。

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