finally I arrived Lisboa and started to participate PEPCC in ForumDanca today.
Ok this is formation, school, is not the same as kind of "projects".
But I mean, I had little surprised inside of quality of time.
Nobody rushed. Taking time to understand the class, communication, developing the relationship with other students.
Everything goes slowly based on no obesession.
This is what I have been missing last 2 years.... Always I had a pressure to do something. I had to make it, I had to finish it, even sometime it does not make any certain result.
Beautiful country Portugal, just I am so glad to be here and breath.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
ついに、ポルトガルForum Dancaへ
ポルトガルのビザがついにおりた。2年間のForum Dancaでの研修。日本では全く知られないポルトガルのコンテンポラリーダンスであるが、その特異性とセンスのよさは、飽和状態でダメ・アーティストがあふれかえっているフレンチ・コンテンポラリーダンスより僕にとってずっと興味深い(もちろんフレンチ・アーティストにはマチルダ・モニエなど偉大なアーティストも大勢いる)。Forum Dancaはそのポルトガル・コンテンポラリーダンスを生み出し、発展させてきた、最も重要な文化機関である。Forum Dancaで学ぶということは、いわば、ポルトガル・コンテンポラリーダンスの懐にとびこむといってもいい。
<備忘と後進のために -ポルトガル長期留学ビザの申請->
1. ポルトガル大使館
ウェブサイト →査証は領事部へ
2. 必要書類
・アプリケーション (大使館より受け取る)
3. 査証発給期間
4. 申請のポイント
ただし、こういう行政関係は何でもそうですが、もちろん自分の主張ははっきり伝えること。個人は弱く、泣き寝入りしがちですが、自分が当然の主張を行っていると考えるならば、(怒りだす代わりに)冷静に明快に堂々と相手に伝えるべきです。Be confident.
ポルトガルのビザがついにおりた。2年間のForum Dancaでの研修。日本では全く知られないポルトガルのコンテンポラリーダンスであるが、その特異性とセンスのよさは、飽和状態でダメ・アーティストがあふれかえっているフレンチ・コンテンポラリーダンスより僕にとってずっと興味深い(もちろんフレンチ・アーティストにはマチルダ・モニエなど偉大なアーティストも大勢いる)。Forum Dancaはそのポルトガル・コンテンポラリーダンスを生み出し、発展させてきた、最も重要な文化機関である。Forum Dancaで学ぶということは、いわば、ポルトガル・コンテンポラリーダンスの懐にとびこむといってもいい。
<備忘と後進のために -ポルトガル長期留学ビザの申請->
1. ポルトガル大使館
ウェブサイト →査証は領事部へ
2. 必要書類
・アプリケーション (大使館より受け取る)
3. 査証発給期間
4. 申請のポイント
ただし、こういう行政関係は何でもそうですが、もちろん自分の主張ははっきり伝えること。個人は弱く、泣き寝入りしがちですが、自分が当然の主張を行っていると考えるならば、(怒りだす代わりに)冷静に明快に堂々と相手に伝えるべきです。Be confident.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hooray!! Finally I got a visa to be in Portugal!!
Deraest my frineds!!
after a long long days since the end of November, finally I got a
Portugal visa to be in Lisboa.
I will arrive on the evening of the monday, and going to attend the
Forum Danca from Tuesday.
I am very exited and, of course, little bit anxious for my new life..
See you soon!!
Lots of kisses,
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
NYTimes: Israel Allows Some Supplies Into Gaza
NYTimes: Israel Allows Some Supplies Into Gaza
Mahmoud Daher, a health officer for the World Health Organization in Gaza, said Monday that there was a shortage of more than a hundred types of medications, and there were no spare parts to fix broken generators. “There is no crisis yet, but there will be one if the situation continues,” Mr. Daher said. “We are on the edge.”
Mahmoud Daher, a health officer for the World Health Organization in Gaza, said Monday that there was a shortage of more than a hundred types of medications, and there were no spare parts to fix broken generators. “There is no crisis yet, but there will be one if the situation continues,” Mr. Daher said. “We are on the edge.”

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
what's going on me
As some of you may know, I have been selected in the dance formation, called PEPCC, in ForumDanca in Lisbon. Actually the course already started from 7th Jan. but because my visa has not issued yet, I still be in Japan and waiting for its process (precisely, I just missed one paper for that...). Anyway after obtaining the visa, I will be in Lisbon and studying there for 2 years.
Now I am also editing the dvd of "one dance/one video/one day" projects as same as I updated on YouTube. First I thought this project as suitable for the internet, but some of my friends is much more easy to watch on TV or computer with DVD, and DVD is useful when I use this as material to apply some kind of programme.
I am also working for some other projects for this and next year. As usual it is, some of projects would be realized but othres might be not. Anyway. One thing probably happen is attending the Sweet and Tender annual meeting 2008. This precious group project is now growing more. I am very exited to contribute and participate this again.
Now I am also editing the dvd of "one dance/one video/one day" projects as same as I updated on YouTube. First I thought this project as suitable for the internet, but some of my friends is much more easy to watch on TV or computer with DVD, and DVD is useful when I use this as material to apply some kind of programme.
I am also working for some other projects for this and next year. As usual it is, some of projects would be realized but othres might be not. Anyway. One thing probably happen is attending the Sweet and Tender annual meeting 2008. This precious group project is now growing more. I am very exited to contribute and participate this again.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Wikipedia: Social alienation
Wikipedia (English): Social alienation
In a broader philosophical context, especially in existentialism and phenomenology, alienation describes the inadequacy of human being or mind in relation to the world. The human mind, as the subject of perception, relates to the world as an object of its perception, and so is distanced from the world rather than living within it. This line of thought can be found, among others, in Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Theodor Adorno.
In a broader philosophical context, especially in existentialism and phenomenology, alienation describes the inadequacy of human being or mind in relation to the world. The human mind, as the subject of perception, relates to the world as an object of its perception, and so is distanced from the world rather than living within it. This line of thought can be found, among others, in Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Theodor Adorno.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
毎日: 日本語学習:ブラジル人用に実践型テキスト作り進む 浜松
日本語学習:ブラジル人用に実践型テキスト作り進む 浜松

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
happy new year and renewal of top page of web site
happy new year. wish you have pleasant days this in 2008.
after crazy messed up days, i have been feeling really tired these days. just now try to rest well...
today i renewed the top page of my web site. i want to improve my web site more this week.
after crazy messed up days, i have been feeling really tired these days. just now try to rest well...
today i renewed the top page of my web site. i want to improve my web site more this week.

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